viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

[DESCARGA] Shinsengumi HiyokuRoku Wasurenagusa Vol.2 - Ito Kashitaro


¡Os traigo el volumen dos de esta tercera serie de wasurenagusa! El seiyuu esta vez es Hirakawa Daisuke, razón por la que lo comparto en el blog xD
El personaje es nuevo, no tiene volúmenes en las dos sagas anteriores. No puedo deciros mucho más porque aún no lo he escuchado xD Pero espero ver vuestros comentarios contándome qué os ha parecido ;)

Como siempre, quién quiera la contraseña tendrá que pedírmela con un email a mi correo

If you want the password, send me an email asking for it :)


No os olvidéis de volver y comentar qué os ha parecido el CD cuando lo escuchéis ;)

¡Nos vemos!image

8 comentarios :

  1. Thank you for sharing this drama CD I like shinsengumi wasurenagusa series>▽< l'm happy that I can listen to this dramaCD ^-^ BUT I Still like Saito Hajime the one who acting voice is takahashi naozumi san because i like his voice and his personalty he is so adorable and cute voice \⊙▽⊙/❀

  2. what is the password?
    please answer me quickly

  3. There is a cut-off in track 1 of disc 2 as it should've been longer. So I was wondering if you could fix that. All in all, this drama cd series is completely amazing based on many aspects. I knew Hirakawa Daisuke has a lady killer voice, but I never thought he would nailed it AGAIN, which makes my mind blown. I really love the overall story and the characters who plays in this drama cd series! Thanks again for sharing it :)

    1. It was right before the track ends. The character hasn't finished his story in the sad scene.

    2. No worries, I already solved the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience

  4. Thank you for sharing this! I loved how gentle and playful Ito sounded! I guess I'm too used to Hirarin having super doS roles that this felt like refreshing, in a way.

    And I was wondering how they'd make this not end sad because well...irl Ito Kashitaro was killed by the Shinsengumi.. I'm glad they finished before they could get to that part. xD

  5. Thank you so much! Hirarin is my favorite seiyuu so I really liked this <3


¡Gracias por comentar o megustear!
Leo todo lo que me escribís, pero si queréis que os conteste sólo tenéis que decirlo. ^^