sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

[DESCARGA] Twinkle Blossom Vol.2


Hoy os traigo el volumen 2 de la serie R18 "Twinkle Blossom". El primer volumen me encantó, me enamoró, así que he querido darle una oportunidad al segundo volumen también. Aunque el seiyuu no me suena de nada xD (Ishii Kazutaka)
El chico de este CD se llama Sonoda Natsume, el integrante más joven del grupo de idols “Star Plants”. Aparte de actividades de idol, también hace comerciales y programas de variedades, los primeros normalmente dirigidos a la audiencia femenina (cosas como champú o dulces). Tiene un aura que hace que la gente quiera protegerlo, es popular con las chicas más mayores. Aunque en realidad, su personalidad es la peor del grupo. En este CD eres la manager del chico. A pesar de su apariencia dulce, te dice cosas egoístas, pero con el tiempo empieza a hablarte de su pasado...

Como siempre, quién quiera la contraseña tendrá que pedírmela con un email a mi correo vegacerezo92@hotmail.com.

If you want the password, send me an email asking for it :)


No os olvidéis de volver y comentar qué os ha parecido el CD cuando lo escuchéis ;)

Esto es todo de momento.

¡Nos vemos!image

7 comentarios :

  1. Hello, thanks again for sharing! Not familiar with the seiyuu, but he does a great job. I was annoyed at first because he treats the manager that way, but in the end he became sweet XD

  2. thanks for sharing this album,so sweet!

  3. Thank you very much for sharing. The drama CD was really sweet. <3 Buttercup

  4. Thank you once again for sharing!!
    Gosh, I absolutely loved this drama CD!! I don't think I've heard this seiyuu before but he reminded me from time to time of Suzuki Yuto! In fact, parts of the the whole CD reminded my really much of Sweet Blossom, heck even some of the lines where exactly the same! xD (I've listened to SB way too many times xD)
    Then I remembered it's Milky Chain who released both of these CDs, it's even the same person who wrote the scenarios ^0^
    Anyway, this CD was so incredibly sweet I couldn't stop smiling! Definitely recommended to people who prefers a younger voice!
    - Miyu

  5. Thank you for sharing this drama cd /// I enjoyed the story for this drama and the character development!

  6. Than you so much for sharing! (〃ω〃)

    At first I was like WT... such a brat (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ but when he started warming up to her(his manager) and she got to know about his past (how he was brought up) he became so cute and eroi. (*´艸`*) Still can believe that scene in the car was his first time!


¡Gracias por comentar o megustear!
Leo todo lo que me escribís, pero si queréis que os conteste sólo tenéis que decirlo. ^^